Explore the beautiful countryside of Snape Maltings with me.
Explore Printmaking, especially the scary bits with me. What do I mean by scary bits? There is a lot that can go wrong. In this film I'm taking my handmade drypoint prints out from 24hrs of being 'under boards'.
Meet Ziggy and watch as I draw her, both on the beach and in my studio. Ziggy is a mix of a Briard and an Italian Mastiff and we met on the shingle beach at Languard Fort in Felixstowe.
Meet Douggie. A gorgeous Labradoodle I met on Aldeburgh Beach, just outside of Moot Hall.
Meet 'Branston & Pickle'. Two beautiful Dachshund Dogs (also known as Sausage Dogs) that I met on the path of The River Deben in Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Meet Bonnie, a beautiful Bernese Doodle Dog that I met on Aldeburgh High St in Suffolk. I ran after her owner to ask if I could draw her.
Come and meet Pudsey, a beautiful rescue dog from Romania, who I drew on Aldeburgh Beach in Suffolk. In this film, we spend a little time at Maggie Hamblin's 'Scallop' Shell, (made in tribute to Benjamin Britten) before being lucky enough to have met Pudsey and his loving owners on an amble by Moot Hall where I stop and ask to draw him.
Drawing dogs from life is a favourite hobby of mine, then taking my sketches back into my studio where rework all the little drawings into a bigger study.
Making One Big Dog Drawing (from the drawings I made in the park)
I take my sketchbook and head out into my local dog park to find some dogs to draw.